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Maria-Gabriella "Mariella" Hedwig Countess VON FABER-CASTELL, married LAHMANN, ♀

* 31.08.1900 Stein, Kreis Fürth, Middle Franconia, Bavaria, Germany

father: Alexander Count zu Castell-Rüdenhausen, * 06.07.1866 Rüdenhausen, † 11.04.1928 Oberstdorf
mother: Ottilie Baroness von Faber, * 06.09.1877 Stein, † 28.09.1944 Nürnberg

    life dates
  1. 1939 - address: Berlin-Dahlem

I. oo Stein 17.05.1920, o/o 1931 with Max Hugo Prince zu Hohenlohe-Öhringen, *  1893, †  1951

II. oo 1935, widowed 1959 with Lüder Lahmann, *  1914, †  1959


ancestors Mariella Countess von Faber-Castell

family tree Mariella Countess von Faber-Castell

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